Around the world there are different forms of greetings and according to one article ‘How’s it going?’ is the most typical Australian way of saying hello. This is closely followed by ‘How you going?’ ‘How are you going?’ ‘How you doing?’ ‘How are you doing?’ ‘How’s it hanging?’ (not sure...
Read moreAll managers want to value add to their organisation – after all it makes you stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons. You have spotted an opportunity for the business or maybe it is as simple as a piece of equipment keeps breaking down and needs...
Read moreI came across an HBR article from 2002 entitled ‘What Makes Great Boards Great?’ and it opens with the following –“ In the wake of the meltdowns of such once great companies as Adelphia, Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom, enormous attention has been focused on the companies’ boards. Were the...
Read moreI have been reading a great booklet published last year by my institute on Communication Skills and I loved one of the quotes it contained. “The spreadsheet gives us dots, but we always need to join them into a picture and apply some paint”. Mike Sergeant, a former BBC...
Read more2019 has been challenging for many businesses. Business confidence in Australia is low and whilst interest rates are at record lows, global uncertainty and depressed consumer spending have resulted in a stagnant economy. Now whilst every industry is fairing differently, if your business is challenged, then you may find...
Read moreSo this final blog on the subject of budgeting is designed to get you to think about how you can improve your commentaries on your monthly results. In previous blogs, I have discussed setting up the budget, communicating it and now you need to report on your performance against...
Read moreWho does not want to improve their profitability? Even Not for Profit organisations need to get value for money and ensure their funds go as far as possible. Most commercial enterprises will concentrate on revenue generation and that is obviously justified. However, I am not here to share the...
Read moreFirstly congratulations! If, like many, you are on an NFP Board and therefore volunteering your time and skills to contribute to a great cause, then further congratulations are in order. However, being a director comes with a number of duties and responsibilities as I am sure you are aware....
Read moreIn a couple of weeks’ time, I shall once more be on a plane to San Francisco to join my Bonanza colleagues delivering financial acumen training at the SAP Sales Academy. I always look forward to these trips and the opportunity to work with their new sales executives from...
Read moreI think every manager will know that managing their budget is a vital part of their role, yet rarely is any proper training given to managers in this regard. Of course it may seem straight forward to those who have been running a budget for years , but if...
Read moreThrough our customised financial training, we help leaders and managers find their financial voice, helping make more informed financial decisions and ultimately helping improve the profitability of the organisations they serve.